Teachers, even internationally, are using blogs in their classrooms also. Ms. Tarasevich is a 9th grade teacher, at Abanskaya School, from Russia. The students use this blog (http://welcometoaban.blogspot.com) to post their traditions and pictures and invite people from other cultures to comment and share their traditions and way of life. I think this blog is not only good for the students, but also for the teachers because it takes them into the life of others around the world. This can be very helpful in showing that we all have more in common than we think such as some photos of summer on their blog and how they celebrate Easter.
Ms. Kimberly Brown is a 6th and 7th grade teacher, at Haultain Community School, from Canada. Like many American blogs used in the classroom, Ms. B's class is given assignments and then post them to the blog. Ms. B also interacts the parents, at schoolnotes.com, by posting the assignments, it requirements and due date under the 'classroom and homework information' tab on her blog. You may view this blog here.

Although it seems like we're a world apart from those living in other parts of the world, we are closer than we think by the use of this technology.