Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Love This Class!-What I learned in EDM 310

I can honestly say I enjoyed and gained a lot of knowledge from this EDM 310 class, and Ms. Averitt is a wonderful and helpful teacher, honestly! I have learned sooo many things I probably wouldn't have been exposed to as thoroughly as I was in this class. I learned what a podcast is, how to search for and download one, and even how to make one-well not technically, but I can say I did one! I learned what a blog is and how to maneuver them; I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I will implement blogging in my future classroom. I learned about many wonderful tools available for teachers, parents, and students such as The Alabama Virtual Library, ACCESS, and ALEX.

These are things that I would have never learned on my own. Ms. Averitt did an exceptional job of exposing us to new things that are helpful, and maybe even vital, to our future careers as teachers. I really must say, I enjoyed this class, I learned a lot that is definitely not BurpBack! No, there is nothing I can think of that I would have wanted to learn; Big ups to Ms. Averitt!

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Thank you so much Ashley for your wonderful comments. Keep up the good work. I'm sure you will make a wonderful teacher.