Pausch taught his students through a concept he called the "head fake." He believed using the head fake, or indirect learning, was the best way to get one to learn because they think they are doing something else but in actuality they are learning while having fun, such as when you send your child out to play football. They may think that they're out to simply learn to play football but they actually learn and gain so much more. They gain the fundamentals-teamwork, sportsmanship, perserverance, and teamwork.
Pausch best put this idea to work through a project called Alice. Alice is a way to teach students computer programming by allowing them to simply have fun making movies and games. Pausch's goal, and legacy, was to enable millions of kids to have fun while learning something hard. The 3.0 version of Alice, due this year, teaches students Java language by writing movies and scripts with characters themed from the popular computer game 'The Sims.' One of Pausch's former students, Caitlin Keller, helps carry on his legacy by bringing Alice to middle schools.
Dr. Randy Pausch had many valuable points in his last lecture, many of which stuck with me and will shine in my life day by day. Pausch spoke of brick walls in our lives-obstacles. Obstacles, brick walls, are not there to stop us but to show how badly we want something. The walls are there to keep out the ones that don't want it badly enough. Brick walls allows us to show our dedication. Don't let them keep you down, never give up.
Watching this video touched me in many ways. Dr. Pausch was a very smart and dedicated man. He wanted to make sure his children learned while enjoying his last lecture-the head fake. His intent was to touch the lives of his children, but in actuality he touched so many more and I am just glad he lived long enough to realize that. I honestly enjoyed the video.
You can view Pausch's Last Lecture here.
EXCELLENT! As educators we should strive to teach our student a few life lessons if we can. Especially never to give up on your dreams. Dreams change, that is OK, but never stop dreaming and reaching for hose dreams. Keep up the good work.
I was very touched by the lecture as well. My eyes teared when he brought out the cake for his wife.Thinking about others is truly rewarding. I really teared up when I realized sure a great man had already died. I did not know this prior to watching his lecture.
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